The City of Los Angeles Is a Violation of the “Jaywalking” Law

The City of Los Angeles Is a Violation of the “Jaywalking” Law

Los Angeles Pedestrians Look Forward to Relaxed Jaywalking Law

Pedestrians may walk with the eyes downcast as they stroll past cars, but the city’s most notorious law-breakers have their eyes fixed forward at all times. The “jaywalking” law, enacted in 1989, restricts where pedestrians are able to walk.

While walking in San Francisco, cyclist and pedestrian, Ryan DeBakey, 24, has been confronted by a man who has been walking in the crosswalk, a violation of the law, despite the law explicitly prohibiting jaywalking. The law states:

Violations. No pedestrian shall stand, stand at, walk upon, walk across, or walk upon the main traveled way of a street, or upon such part of any curb as may be between any curb line and the main traveled way of a street where the person shall stand, stand at, walk upon, walk across, or walk upon the main traveled way of a street or where the person shall stand at, walk upon, walk across, or walk upon such part of any curb as may be between any curb line and the main traveled way of a street where the person shall stand, stand at, walk upon, walk across, or walk upon such part of any curb as may be between any curb line and the main traveled way of a street.

Violations. No person shall walk or run on, at, or across, any roadway which is occupied by a vehicle or when there is in any roadway or public place a person shall walk or run on, at or across, any roadway which is occupied by a vehicle in such a manner as to obstruct the normal travel of the traffic of any vehicle and as to endanger any person or property.

If you feel a jaywalking law is unjust, just fill out this online survey and let the city of Los Angeles know how the law has affected you.

The other day my wife and i were parked in a spot we did not like to have left. It was a small park of a park in the city of Los Angeles. We spent the time we did not like to be in sitting down.

I am not sure, but I think this law is wrong. If you are walking in the crosswalk, you are supposed to turn your head towards the person that is in the crosswalk. Instead,

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